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Mission Statement and Policies


The Awesome Kids Program started with music classes and grew adding classes in other areas, meeting the needs of the whole child.  The program was given the name Awesome Kids because during Mr. Dundore's first few years of teaching the kids would say, "Your class is awesome" and "You are Mr. Awesome!"  Using the name the students gave him seemed to be the right name to give back to the kids.


The “Awesome Kids Program” offers kids from K-6th grade group classes in music, cooking, foreign languages, entrepreneurship, the arts, academics and STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) in a safe, clean, friendly team environment!


“Awesome Kids Programs” believes in a group class

approach.  Benefits for group classes are that students

learn from their teacher and each other, make lasting friendships, and learn how to work together to accomplish a goal.  Students are encouraged to take more than one “Awesome Kids” class and each class has an end of semester recital.


After-School Program Impact
While these programs are classes and not "after school care", the after-school environment allows youth to interact among themselves and with adults in a more relaxed atmosphere. Research shows that youth with the opportunity to build positive peer and adult relationships have better school and community connectedness, better school attendance, increased social competence, and less substance abuse and behavioral issues including gang involvement. Research also indicates that after-school programs can markedly increase engagement in learning, improve academic achievement, and reduce behavioral issues.

Some policies and other things to remember about our programs.


1.  Picking students up late (after 5:30pm)

The custodians would like us to be out by 5:30pm, so it’s important that we try to accommodate them since they are giving us the space.


If you are going to be late, please call:

(443) 516-7537


If you do run late, it would be great if you already had a back-up plan set up with either someone from the program or someone you know can pick up the student from the program on time.  We can send you contact info from someone else in the program (We would first ask them if I could give it out of course) and you can get in touch with them in the case you are late in the future.


We would like to stay away from charging any kind of fee for people who are late picking up their student, especially because coming late usually is due to traffic or other things beyond the parent’s control.

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